My projects

Studying physics

Video on Non-Collinear Four-Wave Mixing

For the Nonlinear Optics module with Prof Paulus, I recorded a video in 2021 with my wonderful friends Darius, Julian and Mats. It explains the process of non-collinear four-wave mixing and has been uploaded to the Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics YouTube channel. But it’s best to watch it yourself – we’ve tried to make it as easy to understand as possible (and still scientifically correct).

Science communication

Podcast: Resonance - Sociology and physics in dialogue (German)

Together with the sociologist Hartmut Rosa, the physicist Marc Timme and the science journalist Helga Rietz, we from the Young German Physical Society (jDPG) have recorded a podcast on the topic of „Resonance – Sociology and Physics in Dialogue“ 🤓

Der Soziologe Hartmut Rosa hätte beinahe Physik studiert. Marc Timme erforscht als Physiker sozio-ökonomische Systeme. Im Gespräch mit der promovierten Physikerin und Journalistin Helga Rietz stellt sich heraus, dass Soziologie und Physik vieles verbindet.

Hartmut Rosa freut sich über physikalische Beratung bei seinem nächsten Buch zum Thema „Energie“ und Marc Timme erklärt, warum er das Wort „sehr“ nur sehr selten verwendet. Wie versuchen die Fachleute in der Soziologie und Physik, gesellschaftliche Prozesse zu verstehen? Wo liegen die Herausforderungen und Grenzen beim Erforschen komplexer Netzwerke? Welche Rollen spielen dabei präzise Definitionen, mathematische Modelle und Künstliche Intelligenz? Ist unser Wissenschaftssystem resonanzfeindlich? Aus vielen Fragen und noch mehr Antworten ist ein lebendiges, interdisziplinäres Gespräch entstanden.

Dieser Podcast steht unter dem Jubiläumsmotto „Physik in der und für die Gesellschaft“, das die Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft anlässlich ihres 175-jährigen Jubiläums ausgerufen hat.

Studying physics

Script collection website for physics students in Jena

In order to enable students to optimise their work during their studies, I have created a website where various documents are collected and made available to everyone. Lecture notes for various lectures serve to consolidate the knowledge from the lectures. Old exams are also collected on to make exam preparation more effective.

Studying physics

Summaries for some modules of the Bachelor of physics programme

In preparation for the exams of some modules of the physics degree programme, this collection of summaries was created in collaboration with my fellow students Julian, Darius, Johanna and Mats. However, not only the authors should benefit from it, but also everyone else who finds these notes useful. Therefore, the 300 pages document is available at Overleaf under the following link:

You can also download the PDF directly from this website:

Studying physics

My notes from my studies

Since I started studying physics, I have taken notes in all my lectures using OneNote. I have published these notes so that you can look at them online and hopefully learn something from them. You can access the notebook via the following link:!AphDQUmEsNQKgUDJ5ImLj787-hIC?e=njMebk